Notes on merging commissioning branch to trunk

Notes made on January 23, 2015

history message marking move from trunk to branch:

r15059 | marki | 2014-09-05 09:06:46 -0400 (Fri, 05 Sep 2014) | 2 lines

branch for changes to sim-recon needed for commissioning geometry

Merge command, first attempt to merge branch onto trunk:

svn merge –accept theirs-conflict $HDSVN/branches/sim-recon-commissioning

mystery file:

Second merge attempt command:

svn merge –accept theirs-conflict ^/branches/sim-recon-commissioning@15059 ^/branches/sim-recon-commissioning@HEAD

The head was r17063 when this was done

resolve command:

svn resolve –accept working *

but not for deletes

libraries/ANALYSIS/ was not the same as commissioning branch

try to analyze branch generated mc with trunk analysis

Message to Simon:

1. I ran the short b1pi with the commissioning branch and variation=mc, same problem, no kinfits. I. e., variation=mc is not a magic bullet.
2. I ran the last b1pi (Thu.) with variation=mc. Nightly build here, remember. That did not kill it as you probably have seen. This is gratifying in the extreme, IMHO. This will remain the practice going forward.

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